Wednesday, 14 June 2006

Town Center walk about

During one of my regular ward walkabouts I noticed this important Farnborough Monument was in a terrible state. So I have reported it, and am chasing Street Scene to mend it. We may be waiting on Developers to rebuild the town, but that is no excuse for not making the best of what we do have.

Tuesday, 13 June 2006

Farnborough Town Center

Frustrated as many residents are I sent the following letter into the Chief Executive of Rushmoor Borough Council.

Out in our town center looking for bulldozers: did not see any today - will keep looking!

Dear Mr Andrew Lloyd

I note that the Cinema application promised for mid May is still not here. KPI did not complete an updated Leisure Impact Assessment, which they are now working on. So the application should be in mid June. Two questions, why could this not have been submitted subsequent to the application, and as this is an application involving the Council why was this not picked up earlier when we announced an application was coming in mid May?

I also note that the judicial review period for the Town Centre has passed a week last Friday, there was no challenge - so where are the bulldozers? Having spoken to Simon Rutter at KPI I understand they are still "in discussion" with the Council over land ownership. Why did we not resolve the land issue during the Judicial Review period?

May I suggest that the meeting with you, the Leader and KPI be more frequent at times like this? I understand the last meeting according to Simon Rutter was March and the next according to Mr Rutter is due mid July.

The next meeting to discuss land ownership is 16th June with Richard Stafford. But I suspect this will not conclude anything, without your involvement. This election brought home to me the frustration that many residents have over the town centre. What more can be done to expedite this important local issue. I am afraid I do not feel, in consideration of the above that we are doing enough.

Warm regards
David Clifford
Empress Ward Councillor.
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