All sorts of topics end up on here, depending on emails, tweets or other interaction with my fellow residents. NOTE: Some views expressed by David may not be supported by the Conservative Party. Contact David via or follow him @davideclifford
Saturday, 27 January 2007
Stop complaining about the cold

Hope they remembered to put the de-icer in. Wonder if they got it defrosted before the restricted parking limit expired.
Drawing a women from the inside out
Sunday, 21 January 2007
Council Tax
The Council’s Cabinet heard on Tuesday that at present, its budget would lead to a rise of just over 12p a week for residents – an increase of 3.9%, which is less than the current retail price index of 4.4%. The Cabinet agreed a strategy to review its costs and will consider the position again at its meeting on 6 February.
The Council has been hit by increasing costs of services, especially concessionary travel and energy costs. It has also fared poorly in the government’s grant settlement, which gave it a cash increase of just 1.9%.
The strategy agreed by the Cabinet includes reducing Council costs by further improvements in efficiency, reductions in lower priority services and reviewing its fees and charges. The Cabinet will consider a further detailed report on the budget on 6 February before making recommendations to Council on the budget and Council Tax level.
Councillor Peter Moyle, Leader of the Council, said: “This is a difficult, challenging budget for the Council this year. Our costs are increasing, particularly as a result of initiatives from central government, and the grant settlement at 1.9% over last year is very disappointing. This is putting a squeeze on our residents which means that we will need to look to reduce our spending so we can limit any increase.” Councillor Moyle added, “Importantly, I am determined to continue our work to maintain critical services and address the high priority areas of safety and town centre redevelopment. We shall continue our work in these areas.”
Director of Resources Peter Gardner, commented “Council Tax makes up just 11% of the income to finance our spending, which makes it very sensitive to small changes in our expenditure.”
He added, “The proposed grant settlement still does not take into account the higher cost of providing services in this area of the South East despite representations over a number of years. This means that Rushmoor receives around £1 million less than it should do.”
Hey, take some time to chill out - its healthy
Our Lady of Lourdes Planning Application
Thursday, 11 January 2007
Time for Tory MEP's to leave EPP

It strikes me that Monsieur Daul opposes everything our MEP’s stand for. This begs the question. Why are Tory MEP’s still members of the EPP?
Wednesday, 10 January 2007
USA's Toughest Sheriff

After 42 years of law enforcement experience, Arpaio's strength is in his ability to know what the public wants. "As Sheriff, I serve the public. The public is my boss", are statements often made by Sheriff Arpaio.
And in serving the public, Arpaio has done many unique things as Sheriff.
On August 3, 1993, he started the nation's largest Tent City for convicted inmates. Over 2000 convicted men and women serve their sentences in a canvas incarceration compound. It is a remarkable success story and has garnered the attention of government officials and media worldwide.
The same is true for his chain gangs which work six days a week contributing thousands of dollars of free labor to the community. The male chain gang and the world's first ever female chain gang clean streets, paint over graffiti, and bury the indigent in the county cemetery.
Equally impressive are the Sheriff's get tough policies.
Arpaio doesn't believe in coddling criminals, frequently saying that jails should not be country clubs. He banned smoking, coffee, pornographic magazines, movies and unrestricted television in all jails. He has the cheapest meals in the country too. The average inmate meal costs under 20 cents.
Arpaio also has launched innovative rehabilitation programs like "Hard Knocks High ", the only accredited high school in an American jail. His ALPHA program teaches inmates to turn away from drugs. It is one of his proudest accomplishments. A high percentage of ALPHA graduates leave his jail clean and sober and rarely, if ever, return to incarceration.
As for his deputies, Arpaio has increased salaries, encouraged education by providing incentive pay, improved equipment and the fleet, and has elevated this office to a full-service, state-of-the-art world renowned law enforcement agency.
Also under Arpaio, the posse has grown to 3200 members, the nation's largest volunteer posse. These men and women, always are a great help to deputies, help in search and rescue and other traditional police work as well as in special operations like round-ups of deadbeat parents, fighting prostitution in the valley's so-called red light district, and patrolling malls and shops during holidays. The posse's contribution is invaluable and essentially free to taxpayers.
For more information see: and
It is high time life in UK Jails was a lot less uncomfortable - and more of a place they "pay back" their debt to society rather than getting more from the law keeping, tax paying society.
32 The Crescent - Planning Appeal
Planning Inspectorate Reference: APP/P1750/A/06/2032673/NWF
Appeal by: Magenta Homes Ltd
Proposal: Erection of two buildings comprising 12 two bedroom flats with associated parking and landscaping following demolition of existing house
Location: 32 The Crescent Farnborough Hampshire GU14 7AS
An appeal has lodged by Magenta Homes Ltd against the decision by the Council to refuse permission for the above proposal. Details of the appellant’s grounds of appeal can be inspected at the Council Offices during normal office hours. The appeal will be dealt with by an Inspector from the Planning Inspectorate and will involve an exchange of written statements. The Inspector will also visit the site.
You are entitled to make representations about this appeal. We have already sent copies of all comments that were made at the application stage to the Planning Inspectorate and the Inspectorate advise that you need not make any further comments. However, if you wish to modify, elaborate or withdraw any earlier comments, you will need to send 3 copies of your letter direct to the Inspectorate. Unless specifically asked, the Inspectorate will not acknowledge your letter. They will however pass your letter to the Inspector dealing with the appeal. Please ensure that your comments are received by the Planning Inspectorate by 13 January 2007 otherwise they will not be considered. All letters should be addressed to the Planning Inspectorate, 3/15 Eagle Wing, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 6PN quoting reference APP/P1750/A/06/2032673/NWF.
The Planning Inspectorate will send a copy of the decision letter to you provided you specifically ask for one.
You can obtain a copy of a booklet ‘Guide to taking part in Planning Appeals’ free of charge from the Planning Services at Rushmoor Borough Council. Further information on planning appeals is available from the Planning Portal at
Friday, 5 January 2007
What I said last Council Meeting (for the record)
Mobile Phone Scam
EMAIL >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Below is a warning from a Police Crime Prevention Officer in Lancashire Constabulary that is circulating. I imagine most people would be suspicious anyway if they were asked to start keying things into their phone, but it is nevertheless useful to receive specific warning against a known threat.
I believe the warning is genuine, but obviously cannot vouch for that or accept any responsibility. Best regards and seasonal greetings
If you receive a phone call on your mobile from any person, saying that, he or she is a company engineer, or telling you that they're checking your mobile line, and you have to press #90 or #09 or any other number. End this call immediately without pressing any numbers. There is a fraud company using a device that once you press #90 or #09 they can access your "SIM" card and make calls at your expense. Forward this message to as many colleagues, relatives and friends as you can, to stop it.
Many thanks for your time regarding this matter, take care and regards.
Phil Corris, Police Constable/Crime Prevention Officer
end of email >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Firstly to put your mind at ease you're right this is a hoax, the originator of the original email (which was over 15 months ago) assured me the information was correct, so I was obliged to forward it to my contacts. But I made further enquiries with mobile phone providers they told me that electronically the process is not possible, which I also circulated at the time, so therefore as I previously mentioned it is a hoax.
Having said that, what the phone providers did say was to be aware of receiving a text on your mobile giving the impression that it has originated from your mobile phone provider asking if you want a phone upgrade, ring tone or other such service or item for sale. People then contact the number within the text message which is possibly a premium rate telephone number which could be up to a maximum of £9. A web site to check if a telephone number is a premium rate number is
If anyone wants to upgrade their phone they should contact their provider on a known number obtained from the monthly itemised bill, as for ring tones always read the small print. I'm sure you are aware that identity theft is the current growing crime, never divulge any personal information over the phone, email or post to anyone you are not completely certain. Never be fooled by the subtle phone call purporting to be from your credit card company asking for confirmation of your card details, say 'NO' and contact your credit card company immediately or the letter stating you have won the 'Spanish Lottery', shred and recycle it.
More information regarding identity fraud can be gleaned from the following web site - - I hope that has answered all your queries, if you do require any further help or advice please do not hesitate to contact me.
Many thanks for your patience in this matter, I must apologise for any inconvenience this has caused I hope that clears up the situation, have a great New Year, take care and regards,
Phil Corris Police Constable/Crime Prevention Officer
End of Police update from Officer dealing with this issue.
Wednesday, 3 January 2007
Christmas @ Farnborough
Olivia was almost convinced - but saw throught the disguise within minutes of an interogation
and Megan? .... well she just couldn't care, and didn't see what all the fuss was over. She prefered playing with the wrapping paper, which was much more interesting.
Greetings for 2007 after speaking to my solicitor

Also, please accept a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling, and medically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generally accepted calendar year 2007, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions to society have helped make England great, (not to imply that England is necessarily greater than any other country or is the only " ENGLAND " in the Western Hemisphere), and without regard to the race, creed, color, age, physical ability, religious faith, choice of computer platform, or sexual preference of the wishee.
By accepting this greeting, you are accepting these terms. This greeting is subject to clarification or withdrawal. It is freely transferable with no alteration to the original greeting. It implies no promise by the wisher to actually implement any of the wishes for her/himself or others, and is void where prohibited by law, and is revocable at the sole discretion of the wisher. This wish is warranted to perform as expected within the usual application of good tidings for a period of one year, or until the issuance of a subsequent holiday greeting, whichever comes first, and warranty is limited to replacement of this wish or issuance of a new wish at the sole discretion of the wisher.