All sorts of topics end up on here, depending on emails, tweets or other interaction with my fellow residents. NOTE: Some views expressed by David may not be supported by the Conservative Party. Contact David via david.clifford@rushmoor.gov.uk or follow him @davideclifford
Friday, 31 October 2008
Nathan abducted by aliens

Friday, 24 October 2008
London South Bank University

16 arrested in drugs raids
The operation, which began on Wednesday this week, has brought together officers from North and East OCU together with colleagues from Specialist Operations teams to target people coming in to the north of the county specifically intent on dealing drugs, and the violence associated with their criminal activity.
This operation is ongoing and the latest part of Operation Spartan, Hampshire Constabulary’s response to the threat of gun, knife and drug crime in the two counties.
The results of the operation so far include:
16 arrests
11 vehicle searches
31 drug searches
12 warrants executed
In total, police recovered £4,000 of crack cocaine and heroin in wraps, and have this morning opened a safe that was seized from an address in London which was found to contain a substantial amount of crack cocaine, the value of which is currently being calculated but is believed could have a street value of between £50,000 and £100,000.
Officers also travelled to London last night (Thursday, October 24), and executed a number of warrants and searches, resulting in the arrest of three men, who are suspected of travelling into Hampshire to deal drugs.
Three people have so far been charged with possession with the intent to supply Class A drugs and with being concerned in the supply of Class A drugs.
Superintendent Paul Brooks, who co-ordinated the operation, said: “We are still currently investigating a number of people in custody, and this operation will continue for the foreseeable future.
“By putting officers from across the force and local intelligence teams out on the streets together, we believe we have already severely disrupted the supply to this area.”
Chief Superintendent Mark Chatterton, local police commander, said: “This OCU has been, over the last 12 months, the safest place in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. This sort of pro-active operation is part of the reason why this is the case.
“It is my intention to keep it that way.
“Your Safer Neighbourhood Teams will be out and about in your community, and you should feel free to stop them and discuss any concerns you may have. Information from the community plays a real part in influencing the way we police, so I would encourage you to let us know what issues are important to you.”
Anyone with information about drugs being dealt in their neighbourhood can contact their local Safer Neighbourhoods Team on 0845 045 45 45, or leave information anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
For more information about your local policing team, please visit www.hampshire.police.uk
Tuesday, 21 October 2008
Going 100% Neighbourhood Watch
We are busy trying to get 100% coverage in the ward for Neighbourhood Watch.
There are a number of advantages to this:
1. Good liaison with the police about current crime activity and prevention.
2. All members of our Neighbourhood Watch will get 10% further discount from local Insurance broker Shelton's on their insurance requirements (car, house etc).
3. We meet every 3 months with the Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinators to update on crime etc issues, but also make priorities for the ward with regards to not only crime but other community issues. This has meant we can channel money for important ward projects of community interest.
4. We are finding as we establish these (we have completed Empress Estate), we are finding a real sense of community is returning to our area.
5. This is also proving a great way of local people working with our two beat officers and councillors keeping an eye out for vulnerable neighbours who are prone to fraudsters.
We need a few co-ordinators for each street. This is not an onerous job, and the rewards to you, your neighbours and the community far outweigh any small inconveniences. This is very rewarding and enjoyable. We have got to know so many more people and are already realising huge benefits for our area.
Please email me back if you wish to help or know someone in your street that would.
Warm regards
David Clifford
Empress Conservative Councillor.
"Together we can make a difference"
Tel 01252 371111
Fax 01252 371112
Monday, 20 October 2008
Learning how to govern
Harlequin's 42 - Ulster 21 @ The Stoop
A great friend invited me to his box situated in the perfect position - just behind the press box
Ulster scored the first try and conversion within minutes of the start of the game, and I have to say my Ulster Irish genes could not stop me letting out a cheer. But that was about as good as it got for Ulster. I managed to get a photo of Ulster finally working well together as a team - above when they had to walk off the pitch guided by the harlequin funnel.
Friday, 17 October 2008
Local Government Pay dispute - an update
"The Employers’ Side of the NJC (National Joint Council) made a final pay offer for 2008/09 of 2.45% (plus an additional £100 per annum on spinal column points 4, 5 & 6). No agreement has been reached and this failure to agree has been referred to arbitration by the Trade Union Side. The Employers have acceded to this request.
Given the time that has elapsed since the award was due, and the likelihood of further delays arising from the arbitration process, the two sides of the NJC have now decided that the Employers’ final offer should be implemented, with effect from 1 April 2008……"
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
Thursday, 9 October 2008
Rushmoor's Finance Director's letter to Councillors
Council Investments
I have been closely monitoring with the finance team the recent turbulence on the London and international money markets.
The Council agrees a Treasury Management Policy in February each year, which prescribes the institutions, credit ratings and limits on lending that govern our investment of the Council’s investments of £40-50m. This policy is being followed strictly.
Over recent months, the application of the Treasury Management Policy was tightened in the light of the higher risks in the money markets. This was done by using only those institutions that had a credit rating better than that prescribed in the policy.
This week I agreed a further tightening of our operational arrangements:
* A cessation on forward deals – these are agreements to lend an amount at a future date for a prescribed period of time.
* No further long term lending to be undertaken i.e. lending over 1 year.
* Limits on the arrangements for short term lending.
These are all aimed at reducing the risks the Council faces on its investments.
Our advisors, Butlers have told us that there may be some risk associated with the Council’s investment with Glitnir bank, based in Iceland.
The Council currently has £2m invested with Glitnir and it is not possible to assess the implications for this investment at present. As a term depositor, we will be relatively high up the order of creditors if the bank is liquidated and assets realised.
Members may have seen that the LGA is pressing Government to safeguard these investments by local authorities.
I am continuing, with the finance team, to monitor the position and should there be any further significant developments, I will let you know.
Wednesday, 8 October 2008
Bankers a few billion - soldiers in Iraq/ Afganistan £19K pa

Tuesday, 7 October 2008
Military Hospital petition
We can assure you that the security of our personnel admitted as in-patients is of the highest priority and remains under constant review.
Each NHS Trust has overall security responsibility for the safety of all its patients. The main trauma ward at Selly Oak hospital has a swipe card door lock system, and we have good liaison arrangements in place between the Royal Centre for Defence Medicine, the hospital, Special Branch and the local police. Similar liaison takes place at the other hospitals hosting Ministry of Defence Hospital Units, and any MOD concerns will be discussed with the appropriate Trust security department.
Prime Minister's Office
Thursday, 2 October 2008
New Consumer protection?
* Consumer Focus will be formed through the merger of the National Consumer Council, energywatch and Postwatch. The new body will be a more powerful consumer champion, with much stronger powers than its predecessors - including the ability to demand information from companies.
* Energy and post companies will have to take greater responsibility for resolving customers' complaints. The regulators, Ofgem and Postcomm, may now fine companies who fail to meet tough new standards. They will also announce how well companies are handling complaints - giving those that perform the best a competitive advantage
* If companies and consumers can't reach agreement on a valid complaint then new independent redress schemes will step in. These schemes will be free for consumers, but companies will have to pay for every case that reaches this stage. Unlike energywatch and postwatch, the redress schemes have the legal power to enforce resolution and award compensation for consumers.
* Consumer Direct, the Government funded advice service, will now give consumers information and practical advice on energy and postal issues. It can be contacted on 08454 04 05 06 or by visiting http://www.consumerdirect.gov.uk
Business Secretary John Hutton said:
"These changes will help consumers get a better deal.
"One single body, rather than three, means a stronger voice holding business and Government to account. It means a more joined up approach to tackling problems.
"Energy and post companies will have to take greater responsibility for handling complaints or face significant fines. And where complaints can't be resolved voluntarily, new redress schemes give the system teeth."
Ed Mayo, Chief Executive of Consumer Focus, said:
"There could not be a more appropriate time to launch a new, more powerful consumer champion and to improve complaints handling. Current economic conditions are tough and consumers are telling us that value for money is their number one concern.
"The creation of Consumer Focus, a new kind of campaigner, is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to put consumers at the heart of business and government decision-making. We will campaign for a fair deal for consumers, because if consumers are confident then everybody, including families, business and the economy, benefits."