Thursday, 27 August 2009

Shame on Scotland

My view?

The Scots Government should have kept Abdul Baset Ali Al Megrahi in jail.

They seem to have a problem understanding the difference between justice and mercy.

Mercy has been satisfied - they did not execute him.

Justice has been compromised - the families wanted him executed, but he was imprisoned for life for a horrific terrorist attack. And he should be cared for (mercy and compassion) in prison (justice) until his death, where his family could visit him, unlike the innocent souls he murdered.


Busy at work - new embroidery machine installed

Seems all my time is playing with our new machine at work. These things are so clever!!

The Graduate .. better late than never!!

PGC in Governance with honours - smug git

Monday, 3 August 2009

TV Interview following my PGC Graduation

The full interview

The full programme with my breif but enthusiastic appearance!

Cocaine usage at 12-year high as drug's impact widens

The British Crime Survey has revealed that the number of working-age adults using cocaine is at its highest for 12 years and more young adults in the UK take the drug than take Ecstasy. Other researc suggests its impact on society has never been greater.

BCS research indicates that a wider variety of social groups and types are taking cocaine than ever before.

Meanwhile, a survey commissioned by DrugScope, the independent organisation that maps trends in the supply and use of illicit substances, suggests that while drug addiction is not on the rise, the number of people whose lives are affected by drugs is considerably higher than many imagine.

The ICM poll of more than 1,000 people aged over 18 found that 19% had "personal experience of drug addiction" either directly or among family or friends. About 11% knew a friend who had experience of drug addiction, 6% had a family member who is or was drug dependent, while 2% - representing more than 1.2 million adults nationally - had themselves experienced drug dependency.

Read more from The Times