All sorts of topics end up on here, depending on emails, tweets or other interaction with my fellow residents. NOTE: Some views expressed by David may not be supported by the Conservative Party. Contact David via or follow him @davideclifford
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
Wednesday, 14 December 2011
***Neighbourhood watch Alert***
Dear Co-ordinators: Please pass this Alert on to your residents:
Last night, Tuesday the 13/12/2011 there where 7 vehicles broken into in the Farnborough area. The thieves managed to steal sat nav's, cash and mobile phones which were left on display in the vehicles.
This did NOT happen on beat one, however I would like to remind everyone to remove all valuables from their vehicles when parking them overnight.
We are carrying out numerous overnight patrols in the Farnborough area including plain clothes patrols. If you should see anything suspicious please call using the 101 phone number or 999 in an emergency or if you see something 'in progress'
If you would like any information on security please contact a member of your beat team:
Kind regards
Beth, Richard and James
Friday, 9 December 2011
Burglars arrested - perhaps!!
Good News!
2 persons believed to be involved in the 7 burglaries that where carried out in Abbey Way, Monks Close, Elles Close and Old Rectory Gardens
The 2 persons were arrested in the early hours of this morning after an operation carried out by the safer neighbourhoods team including myself and
PC 22675 Smith.
However, we would like to remind all residents to lock all windows and doors at night as this is a prime example of opportunist thefts.
Kind regards,
Have a great Christmas
PCSO 14266 Beth Pantlin
Thursday, 8 December 2011
Burglar Alert
***Neighbourhood watch Alert***
Dear Co-ordinators: Please pass this Alert on to your residents:
Last night, Tuesday the 06/12/2011 there where 7 burglaries in the areas of Abbey Way, Monks Close, Elles Close and Old Rectory Gardens; both from the house and sheds, this also includes a theft of a vehicle from one residents address.
Access was gained to some homes through the letter box by using a device to open the door as the door was not locked correctly. The suspects gained access to all other sheds and houses by insecure windows and unlocked doors.
None of the properties and sheds involved where locked properly.
This alert is to remind residents to lock all windows and doors, take any keys away from doors, preferably upstairs and consider leaving lights on or using timer switches when you are out.
In the run up to Christmas there is also some security information to residents:
Please resist from leaving presents under the tree until Christmas morning.
Do not leave any empty boxes from expensive presents in your rubbish - this could attract unwanted attention.
Please be aware of your security at home,
If you would like any information on security please contact a member of your beat team:
Kind regards
Beth, Richard and James
Friday, 18 November 2011
Wednesday, 24 August 2011
Cold Caller Alert
**** Neighbourhood watch Alert ****
Dear all Neighbourhood watch Coordinators, Please pass this message onto your watches:
We have recently received information from First Wessex Housing in regards to a spate of cold calling:
Below is a sanitised version of the information: In most incidences the unknown people are stating that they are from First Wessex:
· 2 guys round asking to check residents shed doors etc. Nothing on First Wessex system to confirm this, so advised her to go to the police.
· 2 young men claiming to be from First Wessex just knocked residents door to ask if there was any work that she needed doing. One had a woolly hat on and the other had ginger hair and one had a luminous jacket on but she knew they were not from us as we do not work that way. She was advised to call the police.
· 3 men, claiming to be from FWPS, at her Front Door wanting to look at the state of residents shed and fence. They did not have ID and she did not allow them access and has also advised the Police.
· 2 young men claiming to be from First Wessex just knocked residents door to ask if there was any work that she needed doing. One had a woolly hat on and the other had ginger hair and one had a luminous jacket on but she knew they were not from us as we do not work that way. I have advised her to call the police.
· Two young men had knocked on residents door saying they were from the Housing Association and wanted to check her gates and take a look at the rear of her property. Advised to call the police and inform them and that FW were not doing any checks and all their employees have ID, which these two guys did not have.
Please remember that anyone attending your address from a housing association, the council or any agency will be able to produce ID.
If you are uncertain or feel unsure about the legitimacy of a cold caller please dial the 101 number and make us aware.
Thank you
PCSO 14266 Beth Pantlin
Empress Ward Beat Team
Farnborough Safer Neighbourhoods Team
Farnborough Police Station
01256 405190
0845 045 45 45
Friday, 12 August 2011
My boss DC on London Riots

Easing the load of the injured - all heart aren't they? Obviously the product of loving parents, who have brought them up to consider others.

Coming to a street near you?
Earlier today, the Prime Minister delivered a Statement to the House of Commons on the recent disorder and looting that has taken place in London and other cities. Please find a copy of the Prime Minister’s full statement below:
With permission, I would like to make a statement.
First, let me thank the Speaker and Honourable Members for returning.
When there are important events in our country, it is right that Parliament is recalled and that we show a united front.
I’m grateful to the Leader of the Opposition for the constructive approach that he has taken over the past few days.
I have spoken with many of the members whose constituencies have been affected – and I would like to pay tribute to the Member for Tottenham for his powerful words and unstinting work over recent days.
What we have seen on the streets of London and in other cities across our country is completely unacceptable and I am sure the whole House will join me in condemning it.
Keeping people safe is the first duty of government.
The whole country has been shocked by the most appalling scenes of people looting, violence, vandalising and thieving.
It is criminality pure and simple. And there is absolutely no excuse for it.
We have seen houses, offices and shops raided and torched…
… police officers assaulted and fire crews attacked as they try to put out fires…
… people robbing others while they lie injured and bleeding in the street…
…and even three innocent people being deliberately run over and killed in Birmingham.
Mr Speaker, we will not put up with this in our country.
We will not allow a culture of fear to exist on our streets.
And we will do whatever it takes to restore law and order and to rebuild our communities.
What went wrong
First, let us be clear about the sequence of events.
A week ago today, a 29 year old man named Mark Duggan was shot dead by the police in Tottenham.
Clearly there are questions that must be answered and I can assure the House that this is being investigated thoroughly and independently by the IPCC.
We must get to the bottom of exactly what happened. And we will.
Mr Speaker, initially there were some peaceful demonstrations following Mark Duggan’s death…
…and understandably and appropriately the police were cautious about how they dealt with this.
However, this was then used as an excuse by opportunist thugs in gangs, first in Tottenham itself, then across London and then in other cities.
It is completely wrong to say there is any justifiable causal link.
It is simply preposterous for anyone to suggest that people looting in Tottenham at the weekend, still less three days later Salford, were in any way doing so because of the death of Mark Duggan.
The young people stealing flat screen televisions and burning shops was not about politics or protest, it was about theft.
The young people stealing flat screen televisions and burning shops was not about politics or protest, it was about theft.
The police faced lawbreaking on the streets on a scale not seen for decades.
Mr Speaker, in recent days individual police officers have shown incredible bravery and have worked in some cases around the clock without a break
They deserve our gratitude and our admiration.
But what became increasingly clear earlier this week was that there were simply far too few police were deployed onto the streets. And the tactics they were using weren’t working.
Police chiefs have been frank with me about why this happened.
Initially the police treated the situation too much as a public order issue – rather than essentially one of crime.
The truth is they have been facing a new sort of challenge…
…with different people doing the same thing – basically looting – in different places all at the same time.
Mr Speaker, to respond to this situation, we are acting decisively…
…to restore order on our streets…
…to support the victims of this terrible violence…
…and to look at the deeper problems that have led such a hard core of young people to decide to carry out such appalling criminality.
Let me take each in turn.
Restoring order
First, restoring order.
Following the meetings of COBRA which I chaired on Tuesday, and Wednesday and again this morning, we have taken decisive action to help ensure more robust and more effective policing.
There are now more police on the streets, more people arrested and more criminals being prosecuted.
The Met Police increased the number of police deployed on the streets of London from 6,000 to almost 16,000 officers. And this number will remain through the weekend.
We have also seen large increases in deployments of officers in other affected areas.
Leave in affected forces has been cancelled.
Police officers have been bussed from forces across the country to areas of greatest need.
And many businesses also released special constables to help.
More than 1,500 people have now been arrested across the country.
We are making technology work for us, by capturing the images of the perpetrators on CCTV – so even if they haven’t yet been arrested, their faces are known and they will not escape the law.
And as I said yesterday, no phoney human rights concerns about publishing photographs will get in the way of bringing these criminals to justice.
Anyone charged with violent disorder and other serious offences should expect to be remanded in custody…
…and anyone convicted should expect to go to jail.
Courts in London, Manchester and the West Midlands have been sitting through the night – and will do so for as long as necessary.
Magistrates courts have proved effective in ensuring swift justice. The Crown courts are now starting to deal with the most serious cases. We are keeping under constant review whether the courts have the sentencing powers they need and we’ll act if necessary.
As a result of the robust and uncompromising measures we have taken, good progress is being made in restoring order to the streets of London and other cities across our country.
As I have made clear, nothing is off the table. Every contingency is being looked at.
The police are already authorised to use baton rounds.
And, as I said yesterday, while they would not be appropriate now, we do have in place contingency plans for water cannon to be available at 24 hours notice.
Some people have raised the issue of the Army.
The Acting Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police said to me he would be the last man left in Scotland Yard with all his management team out on the streets before he asked for the army.
That is the right attitude and one I share. But it is my responsibility to make sure that every contingency is looked at – including whether there are tasks that the army could undertake that would free up more police for the front line.
Mr Speaker, everyone watching these horrific actions will be stuck by how they were organised via social media.
Free flow of information can be used for good. But it can also be used for ill.
And when people are using social media for violence we need to stop them.
So we are working with the Police, the intelligence services and industry to look at whether it would be right to stop people communicating via these websites and services when we know they are plotting violence, disorder and criminality.
I have also asked the police if they need any other new powers.
Specifically on facemasks, currently they can only remove these in a specific geographical location and for a limited time.
So I can announce today that we are going to give the police the discretion to remove face coverings under any circumstances where there is reasonable suspicion that they are related to criminal activity.
And on dealing with crowds, we are also looking at the use of existing dispersal powers and whether any wider power of curfew is necessary.
Mr Speaker, whenever the police face a new threat – they must have the freedom and the confidence to change tactics. This government will make sure they always have that.
The fight back has well and truly begun.
But there will be no complacency. And we will not stop until this mindless violence and thuggery is defeated and law and order is fully restored on all our streets.
Supporting victims
Let me turn to the innocent victims.
No-one will forget the images of the woman jumping from a burning building or the furniture shop that had survived the blitz now tragically burnt to the ground.
And everyone will have been impressed by the brave words of Tariq Jahan, a father in Birmingham whose son was so brutally and tragically run over and killed.
I give the people affected this promise:
We will help you repair the damage, get your businesses back up and running; and support your communities.
Let me take each of these in turn.
On repairing the damages, I can confirm that any individual, homeowner or business that has suffered damage to or loss of their buildings or property as a result of rioting, can seek compensation under the Riot Damages Act, even if uninsured.
The government will ensure the police have the funds they need to meet the cost of any legitimate claims.
And whereas normally claims must be received within 14 days, we will extend the period to 42 days.
The Association of British Insurers have said they expect the industry to be paying out in excess of £200 million.
And they have assured us that claims will continue to be dealt with as quickly and constructively as possible.
On supporting businesses, we are today setting up a new £20 million high street support scheme to help affected businesses get back up and running quickly.
And to minimise the costs facing businesses, the government will enable local authorities to grant business rate relief, by funding at least three quarters of their costs.
On supporting businesses, we are today setting up a new £20 million high street support scheme to help affected businesses get back up and running quickly.
And to minimise the costs facing businesses, the government will enable local authorities to grant business rate relief, by funding at least three quarters of their costs.
We will defer tax payments for businesses in greatest need, through Time to Pay and other practical support.
And for houses and businesses that have been the most badly damaged we have instructed the valuation office to immediately stop liability for council tax and business rates.
A specific point was raised with me in Wolverhampton yesterday, that planning regulations make it difficult for shops to put up protective shutters.
We will weed out unnecessary planning regulations to ensure that businesses can get back on their feet and feel secure as quickly as possible.
On supporting local communities, I can confirm that the Bellwin Scheme to support Local Authorities will be operational. However to ensure urgent funding is immediately available we are today establishing a new £10 million Recovery Scheme to provide additional support to councils in making areas safe, clean and clear again.
And the government will also meet the immediate costs of emergency accommodation for families made homeless by these disturbances.
The Secretary of States for Communities and Local Government and Business have made available to the House details of these schemes today.
Of course the situation continues to evolve and we will keep the need for additional support under close review.
Tacking the deeper problems
Finally, Mr Speaker, let me turn to the deeper problems.
Responsibility for crime always lies with the criminal. But crime has a context. And we must not shy away from it.
I have said before that there is a major problem in our society with children growing up not knowing the difference between right and wrong.
This is not about poverty, it’s about culture. A culture that glorifies violence, shows disrespect to authority, and says everything about rights but nothing about responsibilities.
In too many cases, the parents of these children – if they are still around – don’t care where their children are or who they are with, let alone what they are doing.
The potential consequences of neglect and immorality on this scale have been clear for too long, without proper action being taken.
As I said yesterday, there is no one step that can be taken.
But we need a benefit system that rewards work and that is on the side of families.
We need more discipline in our schools.
We need action to deal with the most disruptive families.
And we need a criminal justice system that scores a clear, heavy line between right and wrong.
In short, all the action necessary to help mend our broken society.
At the heart of all the violence sits the issue of the street gangs. Territorial, hierarchical and incredibly violent, they are mostly composed of young boys, mainly from dysfunctional homes.
They earn money through crime, particularly drugs and are bound together by an imposed loyalty to an authoritarian gang leader.
They have blighted life on their estates with gang on gang murders and unprovoked attacks on innocent bystanders.
In the last few days there is some evidence that they have been behind the coordination of the attacks on the Police and the looting that has followed.
I want us to use the record of success against gangs of cities like Boston in the USA and Strathclyde in Scotland – who have done this by engaging the Police, the voluntary sector and local government. I want this to be a national priority.
We have already introduced gang injunctions and I can announce today that we are going to use them across the whole country for children and for adults.
There are also further sanctions available beyond the criminal justice system.
Local authorities and landlords already have tough powers to evict the perpetrators from social housing.
Some local authorities are already doing this. I want to see others follow their lead and we will consider whether these powers need to be strengthened further.
Mr Speaker, I have asked the Home Secretary to work with the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions and other Cabinet Colleagues on a cross-government programme of action to deal with this gang culture, with a report to Parliament in October.
I also believe we should be looking beyond our shores to learn the lessons from others who have faced similar problems. That is why I will be discussing how we can go further in getting to grips with gangs with people like Bill Bratton, former Commissioner of Police in New York and Los Angeles.
Mr Speaker, in the past few days we have seen a range of emotions sweep this country: anger, fear, frustration, despair, sadness – and finally a determined resolve that we will not let a violent few beat us.
We saw this resolve in the people who gathered in Clapham with brooms to clean up the streets.
We saw it in those who patrolled the roads in Enfield through the night to deter rioters.
We saw it in the hundreds of people who stood guard outside Southall Temple, protecting it from vandalism.
This is a time for our country to pull together.
To the law abiding people who play by the rules, and who are the overwhelming majority in this country, I say the fightback has begun, we will protect you, if you’ve had your livelihood and property damaged, we will compensate you. We are on your side.
And to the lawless minority, the criminals who’ve taken what they can get. I say: We will track you down, we will find you, we will charge you, we will punish you. You will pay for what you have done.
We need to show the world, which has looked on appalled, that the perpetrators of the violence we have seen on our streets are not in any way representative of our country – nor of our young people.
We need to show them that we will address our broken society and restore a sense of stronger sense of morality and responsibility – in every town, in every street and in every estate.
And a year away from the Olympics, we need to show them the Britain that doesn’t destroy, but that builds; that doesn’t give up but stands up; that doesn’t look back, but always forwards.
And I commend this statement to the House.
Friday, 29 July 2011
20 years already

Mayor pinning 20 year medal on chest - its not all 'knives in the back' locally... and I have hardly put myself in 'harms way' for this medal, as many of our residents in the military have and are doing.
Still it was gracious of the Mayor to remember.
20 years service!
Got a gong today hip hip hooray.... 20 years on the front line in local government...thick skin and metal shoulder blades have helped
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Wednesday, 27 July 2011
Saturday, 23 July 2011
Blogger on the run
I can now add blogs from my iPhone! Woppie ...
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Wednesday, 20 July 2011
Murder in Aldershot
Murder investigation launched following Aldershot death
Detectives from the Major Crime Department have launched a murder investigation following the death of a man in Aldershot during the early hours of Wednesday, July 20.
Just after 3.15am, officers were called to Basing Drive to reports of an altercation.
On arrival, a man was discovered with serious injuries and was taken to Frimley Park Hospital by ambulance, where he was pronounced dead.
A post mortem examination is due to be carried out this afternoon.
Senior Investigating Officer, Detective Chief Inspector Chris Fitchet, said: “This investigation is still in the very early stages and we are carrying out a number of enquiries.
“I would ask anyone who may have witnessed this incident, or has any information that can help with our investigation, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem, to get in touch with us as soon as possible.
“There may be some unavoidable disruption within the local community while we conduct these necessary enquiries and we’d like to thank residents for their co-operation, and would appeal for calm while we establish the exact circumstances of what has happened.”
A 43-year-old man from Aldershot has been arrested on suspicion of murder and is currently in police custody.
Anyone with any information should contact Hampshire Constabulary on 101 or 0845 045 45, via the website at or call the Crimestoppers charity anonymously on 0800 555 111. Minicom users should call 01962 875000.
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
Rowhill Nature Reserve - well done.
Members of Rowhill Nature Reserve Society in Aldershot are proud to be one of the 130 winners nationwide of the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service, the MBE for groups who work in their local community for the benefit of others.
The award is in recognition of the Society’s work in conserving the 55 acres of woodland and other habitats for the benefit of wildlife, education, particularly of children, in the importance of the natural environment and improving the area for the enjoyment of local people.
The group has also received an invitation for representatives to attend a Royal Garden Party at Buckingham Palace in the summer.
This prestigious UK national honour recognises outstanding voluntary contributions and sets the national benchmark for excellence in volunteering, with the work of those awarded being judged to be of the highest standard.
The Rowhill Nature Reserve lies on the Surrey and Hampshire border and the Society has been looking after the reserve for more than 40 years.
Speaking of their success, Kathy Spink from the Rowhill Nature Reserve Society said, “We are proud to receive this award, not only for of all the current volunteers and members of the very strong team here at Rowhill, but also on behalf of all our supporters in the past who have helped make RNRS what it is today.”
Friday, 17 June 2011
Rape and Sexual abuse support
One of my residents is a volunteer at this charity that provides a valuable service to rape and sexual abuse victims. There is something special about volunteers, many of whom, are involved with not just one good cause as this resident, but do a number of valuable things that contribute to a better community. They are people that spend their time thinking of how to help others rather than how others can help them. A lesson for us all....
RASASC [Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre].
The Office is in Guildford. The charity provides confidential helpline and counselling for male and female survivors of rape and abuse .
Office 01483 452900
Helpline 01483 546400
Tuesday, 14 June 2011
Trend Micro - an awful company to deal with
Trend Micro Pacific House
Parkway, Marlow, Buckinghamshire SL7 1YL
016284 00500
Has anyone had the same awful experience I have had with TREND MICRO?
I am working away at work quite happily when all of a sudden my emails to suppliers and customers start to bounce back, with a message telling me Trend Micro have decided to block my emails until they hear from my ISP! What a cheek - just because they are an American company I suppose....
They suggest I have been asked to explain the spam but have not responded. Well we are very easy to contact - and I have not received any emails - unless of course my spam filter thought they were a malicious email!!
So I call the office - and get thru to someone in Ireland struggling with English to explain. I get given an email - to Guess what - yes - it bounces back.
I am completely irritated by such systems and companies that play God in this way. Guilty until proven innocent and dealt with so heavy handed and insensitively. Good job they are not in Government isn't it?
Parkway, Marlow, Buckinghamshire SL7 1YL
016284 00500
Has anyone had the same awful experience I have had with TREND MICRO?
I am working away at work quite happily when all of a sudden my emails to suppliers and customers start to bounce back, with a message telling me Trend Micro have decided to block my emails until they hear from my ISP! What a cheek - just because they are an American company I suppose....
They suggest I have been asked to explain the spam but have not responded. Well we are very easy to contact - and I have not received any emails - unless of course my spam filter thought they were a malicious email!!
So I call the office - and get thru to someone in Ireland struggling with English to explain. I get given an email - to Guess what - yes - it bounces back.
I am completely irritated by such systems and companies that play God in this way. Guilty until proven innocent and dealt with so heavy handed and insensitively. Good job they are not in Government isn't it?
Monday, 13 June 2011
CO2 emissions - a thought!!

Professor Ian Plimer (a member of the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Adelaide. He is also a joint member of the School of Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering) could not have said it better!
If you've read his book you will agree, this is a good summary.
Are you sitting down?
But hey, relax, give the world a hug and have a nice day!
PS: I wonder if Iceland is buying carbon offsets?
Friday, 10 June 2011
Armed Robbers attack our Co-Op

Detectives appeal for witnesses after armed robbery in Farnborough
Detectives in Aldershot are appealing for witnesses following an armed robbery at a Co-Op store in the North Camp area of Farnborough.
Police were called to the shop in Queens Road at about 1.45pm on Wednesday, June 8, following reports of an armed robbery.
Two men entered the shop – one was wearing a white crash helmet and the other was wearing a black balaclava – while a security guard was loading money at the cash machine.
The guard from the security van was told to put the containers of cash into bags, which he did.
The men made off in a black Volkswagen Tiguan which was later found abandoned in Yeovil Close, a short distance away.
Detectives are keen to speak to anyone who was in the shop or the surrounding at the time of the incident who hasn’t yet spoken to a police officer. They would also like to speak to anyone who saw the car in Yeovil Close.
Detective Inspector Dave Sackman said: "This was a frightening ordeal for those who witnessed it, but fortunately no one was hurt.
"There were lots of people in the area at the time and I am keen to hear from anyone who saw any part of the incident or who saw the car in Yeovil Close."
Anyone with any information is asked to contact Aldershot CID on 101 or via
You can also contact the charity Crimestoppers line on 0800 555 111 where information can be left anonymously.
Friday, 3 June 2011
Help the Homeless - Its a dogs life
Some muts looking for love..... drop me a line if you know a home they would be happy in or contact the Kennel direct:
Tel: 01268 770402
Acresway Kennels, Great Burches Road, Thundersley, Essex SS7 3NE.
Tel: 01268 770402
Acresway Kennels, Great Burches Road, Thundersley, Essex SS7 3NE.
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