Friday, 26 July 2013

Tumble Down Dick Artist impressions

Councillors wishes to retain as much historical character have been listened to by McDonald's

The Tumble Down Dick almost looks respectable. I personally like the idea of opening up the vista into the back. A very convenient venue to meet residents perhaps?

Link to application to follow

Firgrove Parade - latest position

Firgrove Parade – Rushmoor Borough Council’s position 26.07.13

There have been a significant number of posts to our Facebook page (Rushmoor Borough Council) and other pages over the last couple of days about the removal of the trees at Firgrove Parade, Farnborough, as part of the redevelopment of the site by the landowner, Bride Hall.

There are too many comments for us to be able to respond individually but we do recognise that emotions are running high and that there are strong feelings about the loss of the trees.

We have also seen a number of inaccurate claims and allegations made about the Council and individual members of staff relating to Firgrove Parade and we understand that some of these are a result of those strong feelings.

We have previously published statements setting out our position on both Firgrove Parade and its trees, but we would like to respond to the latest comments with further clarification.

Sale of Firgrove Parade
The council identified Firgrove Parade as a potential redevelopment site in the 1980s, providing a key gateway into the town centre.

It sold the site in 1987 to Bride Hall for £600,000 plus an obligation on the landowner to pay further sums on any future redevelopment of the land.

A restrictive covenant was put in place to secure payment of these further sums on any future development. 

The covenant was not intended to prevent redevelopment or protect green space.

Revised financial arrangements
Given that 25 years have since passed, the Council renegotiated the financial arrangements with the landowner earlier this year.

Under the new arrangements, the Council – and therefore the people of the borough – will receive 25% of any increase in value of the Firgrove Parade site following redevelopment. 

As part of that arrangement, the Council will also receive a nominal £1,000 payment up front.

This £1,000 has caused some confusion. To be clear, the Council did not sell the land for £1,000 nor did we release the existing covenant for £1,000. 

As we’ve said previously, we sold the land for £600,000 (plus the arrangements to receive further sums) in 1987. We agreed to replace the existing covenant with a new restriction to secure the revised financial arrangements, with a nominal £1,000 'up front'. 

We took independent valuation advice on these revised financial arrangements and the Cabinet agreed that they would only be put in place if planning consent was obtained.

Our position on the redevelopment of Firgrove Parade and our planning policies
As we’ve already said, we identified Firgrove Parade as a potential redevelopment site in the 1980 and our position since then has been consistent and reflected in our planning policies for Farnborough town centre.

Most recently, we identified Firgrove Parade for potential redevelopment in the town centre masterplan that we published last year following a month of public consultation, to which nearly 300 people responded. 

When we develop planning policies for the borough, we look at how they will best serve our whole population of 94,400.  These policies generally cover the long-term development of the borough and are agreed by the Council following public consultation. We understand that there may be a difference between what is best for the wider population and for individuals and in making decisions on these policies, our councillors aim to strike the right balance.

Firgrove Parade planning application
It can sometimes be difficult for those not closely involved in the Council to understand that we have a number of different roles and take decisions in different capacities. The Cabinet’s decision to agree revised financial arrangements was taken entirely separately from the Development Control’s decision to grant planning consent for Firgrove Parade.

In considering any planning application, the key question is whether the proposed development is in accordance with our development plan.   In the case of Firgrove Parade, Bride Hall’s application met fully with our planning policies for the town centre, as we had previously identified and agreed the site as suitable for redevelopment.  The Council would not have had the right to refuse planning consent for a hotel simply because there is another one close by.

There have been a number of queries about the report provided on the trees at Firgrove Parade.  It is entirely proper for the person applying for planning permission to commission an aboricultural report for consideration by the Council as part of their planning application. This was the case for Firgrove Parade and the report was made publicly available as part of the consultation on the planning application.

Comments and allegations against the Council, its staff and councillors
There have been a number of comments and allegations made about the Council, its staff and councillors relating to Firgrove Parade. Again, we understand that feelings are high, but these comments are very public and it is not easy for individuals, in particular, to defend themselves.  We believe the Council, its staff and councillors have acted entirely properly.

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Application in for the Tumble Down Dick

To be or not to be a McDonald's?

Yes folks, the moment you have all been waiting for has finally arrived. And boy am I glad I am not on the planning committee - good luck Gareth. My fellow Councillor Gareth Lyon is the new chairman and what a great application to consider in your first few months of office. Luckily he is a very bright and excellent young Councillor and the perfect person for the job - young, energetic, innovative and very open minded. In fact we could do with more Councillors like him.

Good luck Gareth and the planning committee....

As soon as I get details I will post the link to the actual application.

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Firgrove Parade - Press release

Today the Chief Executive of Rushmoor released the following press release:

The history of the Firgrove Parade site can be understood by looking at it from three perspectives, the original sale of the land, the Council’s strategic planning and economic growth policies and the recent planning application.

Land sale and covenant

In 1987, Rushmoor Borough Council sold the current Firgrove Parade site and some adjoining land to Bride Hall for £600,000.   

At this time, a covenant was put in place to protect the Council’s interests by ensuring that a fair share of any future profits from the redevelopment of the land came back to the Council to support the provision of public services.

Due to the current financial climate, there has been a recent renegotiation of the financial arrangements, again to protect Rushmoor Borough Council’s interests on any redevelopment of the site. These new arrangements secure 25% of any future uplift in value of the site following development for the Council.

Strategic planning and economic growth

The council has a strategic role to enable the future growth and prosperity of its town centres, including Farnborough.

The Farnborough Town Prospectus was agreed in May 2012 following public consultation. This built on the Farnborough Town Centre Supplementary Planning document (adopted in 2007) and identified Firgrove Parade and the adjoining space as a key gateway site which would benefit from redevelopment.  The prospectus envisaged that this could be a mixed-use scheme offering a range of commercial, leisure and retail space.

Planning application

In February, Bride Hall submitted a planning application which was fully in accordance with current planning policy. The Council, in its role as Local Planning Authority, considered and approved the application in June after public consultation.  This development will represent a significant investment in the town.

In terms of the protesters’ concerns about the trees, as with many planning permissions, there is often a balance between development and protection of the existing environment.  The trees are not covered by a Tree Preservation Order, but there’s no doubt that they add some amenity value. However we need to weigh this up with the investment benefits that the new development will bring to Farnborough.

In terms of a public right of way crossing the land, as with other developments, as long as there is an alternative route then the right of way can be extinguished or rerouted, provided the proper procedures are followed.

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

The passing of a great Farnborough Empress Councillor, Mayor and Alderman

Extremely sad to hear that Hon Alderman Alan Frost passed away on 28th June 2013. 

Alan was first elected to Farnborough UDC in 1971 and served as a councillor with Rushmoor until 1999.   During this time he served on many committees, he was Mayor in 1986/87, and became an Honorary Alderman in 2000.

I will ever remember his mischievous sense of humour and wit. He had a great knowledge of highway matters and was an excellent ward councillor - ensuring the Lib Dems never took control of Empress. A great campaigner and a great advocate and champion of Farnborough - a town he loved and worked tirelessly for.

His wife has always been his greatest asset. Sheila has been a great supporter not only of Alan but of the party and Farnborough. Ever full of energy and enthusiasm, I know she has borne a great burden looking after Alan these last few years. Alan loved his family and was extremely proud of his daughter. I am sure he felt their love and support especially these last few years. 

It is sadly at times like this your realise the important things in life are people, and it is with regret that I reflect that I wish I have visited and seen this great man more than I did. Shame on me. 

Alan, at last, is at peace. The pain and frustration of sickness is finally passed, and many will mourn his leaving.