Friday, 28 April 2006

The voting has started

Yes, the voting has started in Farnborough Town Center where Rushmoor has a Polling Station next to Blockbuster Video. So you can "shop and vote". The opening times are:

1.Friday 9am to 5pm

2. Saturday 9am to 5pm

3. Sunday 10am to 4pm

This is a pilot scheme, so is on trial for this year in Rushmoor. I hope it encourages more people to vote. It was certainly busy while I was telling there this morning.

Wednesday, 26 April 2006

Another Strasbourg Scam

Another masterpeice from my mate Daniel Hannan MEP:

The European Parliament, it seems, has been swindled. We MEPs – or, rather, you taxpayers – have been paying €1 million a year over the odds to the city of Strasbourg (see the excellent coverage online at

It is, of course, quite normal to over-invoice when dealing with the EU. Contractors know that Eurocrats are not spending their own money. They are like builders asking “Insurance job, this, is it?” – only on a far, far grander scale.

What distinguishes this little scam, though, is that it reignites the argument about the location of the European Parliament. MEPs generally meet in Brussels; but, once a month, we travel Strasbourg. (We also maintain a permanent seat in Luxembourg, for reasons which are too complicated to go into now.) The expense of migrating between these places is awesome. Even when we factor out the cost of interpretation, each MEP costs the taxpayer nearly €2.5 million a year. It’s not just the 732 MEPs who make the monthly peregrination, you see: it’s the chauffeurs, the committee clerks, the man who advises your secretary about her pension rights – oh, and some twelve tons of papers, shuttling back and forth in a dedicated train.

Many MEPs, sick of having to place themselves in the clumsy hands of Air France each month, want to end the Strasbourg sittings. But there is no way that this can happen: the French have managed to sneak a clause into the Treaties specifying that the Parliament must meet in Strasbourg twelve times a year. This commitment cannot now be removed without the unanimous consent of all 25 states; and there is no way that France will give its consent.

Interestingly, though, the Treaties make no mention of Brussels. So there is a way to end this wasteful and absurd charade: we could cut out Brussels and meet permanently in the chief town of Alsace. Moving away from the grey and soulless streets of Brussels would horrify the Euro-fanatics: they see the town as Europe’s federal capital. But meeting permanently in Strasbourg would bolster the old idea that the EU is an association of states, its institutions spread among its members. Whenever I suggest this idea to other MEPs, they say: “But we have to be at the centre of power. If we were separated from the Commission, it would be harder to pass legislation.” Yes, it would. As the French say: “Et alors?”

If you know anyone else who would like to receive these mailings, please send their email address to
If you no longer wish to receive them, please reply using the word "unsubscribe" in your title.
For details of meetings at which Daniel Hannan will be speaking please see his website - - click News, then Forthcoming

Tuesday, 25 April 2006

More Canvassing

Today we continued our canvassing in Empress Park. It really is valuable listening and talking to residents, and something we local Conservatives do all year round not just at election time. It is clear the big three issues in this area are:
1. Town Centre
2. Parking
3. Policing
I share residents concerns about these and am committed to tackling issues you raise with me immediately not just when I am elected. I have already discussed the town centre with the developers directly and will continue to do so, but must say I am cautiously optimistic that serious progress is being made. I am assured subject to the satisfactory conclusion of the 6 week judicial challenge period, work will start finally. I am also optimistic that the long awaited cinema is a real possibility, with construction starting before Christmas. I have talked to the Leader of Council about parking issues and the Portfolio member responsible for parking about 6th Form students, rail commuters and employees of local companies using Empress as a free car park, and I have spoken to the beat Sergeant about the crime issues and what they are doing about it, and when elected will have regular meetings and go on patrol with the police to see first hand what they are doing.

On a more light hearted note, just to show there is no bad feeling towards members of the other parties, we ran into a resident that is a Lib Dem councillor in another ward. Keeping my promise that I would knock every door no matter what we knocked his and took the photo below. As I have said before, and it is worth repeating, I respect all candidates and councillors regardless of party, who are prepared to put themselves forward to serve in public office. To disagree with their policies does not mean I do not respect them. I also think we should not take ourselves so seriously all the time.

So I am very happy to publish this light hearted, but warm photo of political oponents taking a few moments to enjoy one anothers company. Isn't democracy a great thing.

Monday, 24 April 2006

Canvassing Empress

A big thank you to the Tory team out with me tonight. It was a pleasure meeting everyone, and we picked up some important local issues including community safety and parking which I will be following up on. My team tonight were out doing this for the first time ever, and they were fantastic - well done.

Above is the canvas team that have just intercepted a local resident (far left - Michelle) to pose with. As they thought the resident was a better looking person to pose with than the candidate below!!! Thank you again Mel, Steve and Efson.

Sunday, 23 April 2006

Resident complaint?

Sent in by a friendly resident that thinks I take my leaflets far too seriously!

What do you think?

St George's Day

My agent Brian Parker is Vice-Chairman of the North East Hampshire Branch of the Royal Society of St George. So today we had a very nice dinner to celebrate St George the Patron Saint of England. Learn more at

So happy St George's Day. I would like England to make more of a national celebration of it, we really do not fly the flag enough. We seem to make more of a celebration of other cultures and Saints rather than our own. It should be as big as the 4th July is in the USA.

Thank you Brian for the dinner, it was a lovely evening. Thank you St George. I am so grateful I was born an Englishman, and have been blessed to live in a free democratic land, paid for and protected with the priceless blood of Englishmen through the centuries.

Saturday, 22 April 2006

Happy Birthday Melina

To one of our valued campaign team, who shares her birthday with Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (many happy returns ma'am). Thank you Melina for all your energetic help and support. I appreciate your sense of humour and enthusiasm. Have a happy birthday, we love you and thank Roger for putting up with your time out working with us. Melina is camera shy, but a photo will follow soon!!

We found a bobby on our beat

A big thank you to my friend Simon who came out to help the team tonight. Simon is going to be a great councillor next year when he gets elected in Surrey Heath. But in the mean time he wanted to come and lend us a hand in Empress. Thank you Simon. And while were were out canvassing in Empress look who we found. The local beat sergeant, out on patrol. Thanks to the local reorganisation and emphasis on working with the local community we will see more local police out on the beat. I will if elected be having regular meetings with the local beat officer reviewing crime in the ward and exploring together ways of making Empress a safer place to live.

Friday, 21 April 2006

Copy of Report for Cove Green Parking 2nd Aug 2005



· This paper summarises proposals to help local residents and businesses by increasing parking capacity for commuters travelling to Farnborough railway station by car, encouraging them to park in the station car parks and controlling commuter parking in residential roads nearby.


· Off-street parking is insufficient for the number of commuters travelling to Farnborough station by car and the absence of restrictions in nearby roads encourages them to park on-street first because it is free.

· The car park at Cove Green pavilion is also congested by commuter parking because it is not restricted and is free. This creates problems for the pre-school group and others who use the pavilion and Cove Green itself.

· Residential roads in the area become congested with commuter parking as early as 7.00 a.m. but it is not until 8.00 a.m. that the station car parks become substantially used.

· Later in the day, when the nearby streets and car parks are full, we often see parking out-of-bay in the car parks and parking on-street where there are restrictions because drivers are unable to find parking space.

· The roads most affected are Station Road, Prospect Road, Orchard Road and the derestricted parts of Union Street, where as many as 100 vehicles park each day (equivalent to 11% of the off-street parking capacity). Other roads near the station - Elm Grove Road, Clockhouse Road and the eastern section of Union Street, are not normally used as they have residents’ parking zones or other restrictions.

· Last year the County Council, as the highways authority, approved the introduction of charges for street-side parking in Rushmoor to help regulate and influence on-street parking. Traffic regulation orders are needed for the areas where we propose to introduce charges.


The areas referred to are shown on the attached plan. Larger scale plans will be available at the meeting.

Union Street Car Parks
· By improving the layout of our Union Street West car park, we can increase capacity by ten spaces. This will include reworking the car park entrance to minimise hazardous out-of-bay parking here by commuters who are late.

· The daily charge at the Railtrack car park (which is further from the station than our own) is £2.30. Our charge is £2.20. We therefore propose to adjust our daily charge to £2.30.

· The daily charge at the smaller Union Street East car park is also £2.20. It is used by local businesses but we propose to adjust the charge to £2.30 to deter rail commuters from parking here. These increases, plus the income from the additional spaces, will yield sufficient income this year to fund the above works.

On-Street Charging
· On-street charging on the roads used by commuters will reduce early morning noise and congestion and encourage use of the car parks as a first choice.

· We propose a daily charge of £2.50, Monday – Friday, for parking in the chargeable sections of Station Road, Prospect Road and Orchard Road. This is a 20p premium on the proposed daily parking charge in our car parks. We will need six new ticket machines, but we have three in stock so installation costs are minimised.

· There will be no chargeable parking on the residential side of these roads. Prospect Road is the only road where houses will overlook chargeable parking on the opposite side of the road (but most of the houses have between two and five off-street parking spaces). However, we propose to introduce a ‘first two hours free’ facility for their weekday visitors and for allotment users (the allotment also has its own off-street parking).

· We propose to remove commuter parking on Union Street by extending residents’ parking area F3 by eight spaces and providing one-hour free parking for visitors to the Cemetery. We will also extend the ‘at any time’ parking restriction on Union Street, at its junction with Prospect Road, to remove hazardous parking on the approach to the traffic lights. We also propose to replace a 3hr waiting limit on Green’s School Lane with additional residents’ parking for six properties to deter half-day commuter parking.

· The proposals as a whole will remove all commuter parking in front of residential properties and in front of the main entrances to the cemetery and the allotments. The comments and preferences of ward councillors have been taken into account in the above proposals.

Cove Green Pavilion Car Park
· We propose to bring this car park into the Off-Street Parking Order and improve it by providing marked bays, gateway signage and reserved parking for regular users. We propose to introduce a 2-hr parking limit, free of charge, in enough parking spaces to ensure the needs of the Cove pavilion users are met. We propose to introduce a daily charge of £2.30, Monday – Saturday in the surplus spaces, again to encourage commuters to park off-street.


· Residents and commuters will be consulted on the proposals through the statutory processes for establishing new parking orders. This consultation is expected to run for 28 days from the beginning of September and will create awareness of the proposals and provide the opportunity to comment.


The costs of introducing the proposed changes and the effect on the car parks revenue budget are:

Proposal Implementation -------- Additional Income (£) --------
Cost (£) * in 05/06 in 05/06 from 06/07
(net of *)

Union St West 2,500 2,000 -500 4,800
additional spaces
(by 1/11/05)

Union St East & West nil 1,450 1,450 2,900
10p increase in
daily charge (by 1/10/05)

Installation of ticket 12,000 12,500 500 37,000
machines on-street (based upon 75% occupancy)
(by 1/12/05) 16,700 4,700 50,000
(based upon 75% occupancy)

Pay-and-display 8,000 4,200 -3,800 10,000
parking at the
Pavilion car park
(by 1/11/05)
---------- ----------- ----------- -----------
TOTAL (at min) 22,500 20,150 -2,350 54,700
(at max) 22,500 24,350 1,850 67,700


· It is recommended that:

- the capacity of Union Street West car park is increased;

- the daily charge at Union Street East and West car parks is increased by 10p to £2.30 with effect from 1 October;

- a daily parking charge of £2.50 is introduced in the sections of Station Road, Prospect Road and Orchard Road shown on the attached plan. This charge will apply between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. Mondays to Fridays (except public holidays). The first two hours of parking will be free of charge in Prospect Road to assist residents’ visitor parking. Subject to the outcome of the statutory processes of making the appropriate parking orders, this will take effect from 1 December;

- the Pavilion car park is incorporated into the Off-Street Parking Order with a daily charge of £2.30. This charge will apply between 8.00 a.m. and 6.00 p.m. Monday to Saturday. The first two hours of parking will be free of charge to assist Pavilion users. Pavilion staff will be exempt from the charges by displaying a permit. Subject to the outcome of the statutory processes of making the appropriate parking order, this will take effect from 1 November;

- the existing F3 permit parking area is extended along the section of Union Street in front of the cemetery, with a 1-hour waiting limit for non-permit-holders to provide for visitors to the cemetery, again subject to the statutory process of extending the parking order;

- an ‘at any time’ parking restriction is introduced on the derestricted section of Union Street adjacent to the allotments to improve the line of sight approaching the traffic lights and to keep the allotment entrance clear;

- residents of the section of Green’s School Lane from Union Street to High View Road are offered a residents’ parking scheme as an alternative to the existing 3-hour waiting limit conditional upon unanimous acceptance by the 6 households affected;


- the heads of Street Scene and Legal services advertise the appropriate Orders and if there are no objections to make the Orders and if there are objections for the Cabinet Member for Environment to consider these objections and determine the appropriate course of action;

- approval is provided for a supplementary estimate for £22,500 to cover implementation of these schemes, which is expected to be fully funded from additional income in 05/06.

Contact: Mike Bamber, Parking Manager
01252 398291

Thursday, 20 April 2006

How to fly (what I do to relax)

First. Find a synthetic wing and lay it on the ground.

Second. Find an engine with a propeller.

Third. Tie yourself to both.

Forth. Stand up and run into wind

And off you go! Easy

Landing is a little more complex.
We will cover that another day.

Town Centre

Gerald Howarth MP and Cllr Patricia Hodge reveiwing plans with me of the Town Centre.

PROGRESS AT LAST! But we still have lots to do. The objection from a resident to the road closure order needed to start building the new Town Centre, has been overruled by the Secretary of State for Transport (13th April). There is still a 6 week period where the resident could make a further legal challenge over the process of the review. However, this is not going to stop KPI the Town Centre developer sending out tenders for work on the next two phases of work which are:

1. West Kingsmead Entrance area.
2. New link between Queensmead and Kingsmead.
They have also announced they have an agreement with a Cinema operator, and will be submitting to Rushmoor a planning application for this new design mid May 2006. It will have 8 screens and 1000 seats. The complex will also accommodate 4 restaurants.
And before you say anything ... yes ... I will be right behind them with my hard hat on!

Saturday, 15 April 2006

Programme of Highway Works for Empress

General Work and date due to start:
1. Old Rectory Gardens / footway & kerb reconstruction / 13 Aug 2006
2. Arrow Rd & Eelmoor Rd / wideninging & kerbing / Feb 2007
3. Clockhouse Rd / carriageway resurface / July 2006

Road surface dressing:
1. Station Rd - August 2006
2. Prospect Rd - August 2006
3. Union St - August 2006

Footpath surface dressing;
1. Tower Hill - Sept 2006
2. Gooden Cres. - Sept 2006
3. Fowler Rd - Sept 2006

All subject to change because of weather etc.

Friday, 14 April 2006

Have a Happy Easter

He is not here:for He is risen

I like what a wise man said:
"Of all the victories in human history, none is so great, none so universal in its effect, none so everlasting in its consequences as the victory of the crucified Lord who came forth in the Resurrection that first Easter morning. We laud the captains and the kings, we praise the nations that are victorious against oppressors. We appropriately build monuments to remember their sacrifices and their triumphs over the forces of oppression. But great and important as are these achievements, none can compare with the victory of the lonely, pain-racked figure on Calvary's cross who triumphed over death and brought the gift of eternal life to all mankind."
A sobering reminder of what's really important. I am very grateful to be living in a land where we are free to worship freely, and people living here are not persecuted because of their faith.

Thursday, 13 April 2006

Rectory Rd: You reported - I am sorting

A resident complained about the smell of the pumping station in Rectory Road. I contacted Thames Water, and I am pleased to say they came out today and inspected the station and we discussed what the issues were and agreed a course of action.
Working together we can and will make a difference

Happy Birthday Linda

What a time for a politicians wife to have a birthday!! Right in the middle of election time every year. She is very understanding and supportive, and never complains about all the time I spend at Council or doing Council related work. Thank you Linda. I love you. Have a happy birthday.

Wednesday, 12 April 2006

Its amazing what you find canvassing

While the team were out with our MP Gerald Howarth, we stumbled on the most beautiful Austin Seven, lovingly cared for by a resident, who quite rightly refused to be photographed with a pack of politicians with election fever, but allowed us to take a snap of this beautiful car that had us all lining up for a pose.

Tuesday, 11 April 2006

Brian Parker - always smiling - even in the rain

It's a wet and cold April evening, let's not go out canvassing. Missing one night won't hurt!
No chance with Brian as Election Agent on the campaign team. And look at that smile. You just can't keep a good man down. He is the oldest in the Campaign team, but young at heart and full of energy, and great to be out canvassing with. THANK YOU BRIAN

Monday, 10 April 2006

Action for Gooden Crescent

YOU REPORTED IT: No kerb stones around park. Parked cars creating ruts.

I HAVE SORTED IT: I asked the County Highways Inspector to visit Gooden Crescent. He did, agrees that work is needed and is submitting a bid to have the work done.


Saturday, 8 April 2006

MP Gerald Howarth supporting us in Empress.

A big thank you to Gerald Howarth MP who came out canvassing today in Empress. The weather was fantastic, and we got to talk to many people out enjoying their gardens.

Friday, 7 April 2006

Knock knock who's there?

It's Sue our Empress Branch Secretary out canvassing with us. She made us laugh today, when she knocked on the door of someone that was in the bath. Sue asked if they were a floating voter?

How to stop unwanted mail and phone calls.

Just register on-line with the Mailing Preference Service (MPS)

And the Telephone Preference Service (TPS)
It is that easy!
Note: It will not stop our popular Ward "In Touch" leaflets that are full of useful local information.

PDS Parcel Scam - Beware

The following information has been received by the City of London Police. It is from the Royal Mail regarding a current premium rate telephone scam. They have assessed it as a genuine scam. Royal Mail have advised that it is a genuine scam; if you receive a card from PDS do not contact them - call your local trading standards agency If you receive a card through your door from a company called PDS (Parcel Delivery Service) saying that they have a parcel awaiting delivery instructions and can you contact them on 0906 6611911 DO NOT call the number as this is a mail scam originating from Belize If you call the number and you start to hear a recorded message you will already have been billed £15 for the phone call. If you do receive a card with these details, then please contact Royal Mail Fraud on 02072396655 or ICTIS at or your local trading standards office.
This is a genuine scam. ICTIS have the following information about this number. This is a card posted through your letterbox from PDS Parcel Delivery suggesting that they were unable to deliver a parcel and to call the premium rate number in question. This service costs £1.50 per minute. This service is under investigation by ICSTIS. Please be aware of this scam. Should you receive a card from this company please follow the above instructions

Message to other candidates

I have recieved the official NOTICE OF POLL that tells us who the candidates are. Last night I met (while I was out canvassing) Christopher Wright the Labour Candidate, it was a pleasure to meet him. I have not had a chance to speak to Crispin Allard the Liberal Democrat candidate, but I want them to know and you to know, that we are going to run a very positive campaign. I, like many of you, am turned off by the childish behavior of some politicians. We will be concentrating on what we can do for you, rather than trying to belittle others. I want you all to know that I have a great deal of respect for anyone that puts their name forward to serve the community in public office.

What sort of Tater are you? - sent in by a resident

This link was sent in by a resident. Thank you.

Thursday, 6 April 2006

Big stink in Rectory Road

The above Thames Water pump station in Rectory Road not only looks foul, but smells foul too. Despite numerous complaints and an acknowledgement of the problem, Thames Water have apparently confessed that they cannot afford to do anything. The Environmental Health Team at Rushmoor have tried to help, but to no avail.

The pump station ref is RECTP2ZZ at GU14 7HS. I have rung Thames Water and complained about how this has all dragged on. They are going to get back to me with some answers shortly.
If not I will ring them again very soon.

You report it - I will sort it.... eventually!

Not another "Take Away"

I have just learned of another Take Away application for 44 Cove Road. Haven't we got enough of these now? I think it should be refused. We have a policy in our Local Plan ref. S1 which basically says we can refuse an application if it will weaken the range of retail and service facilities in an area. I think this application if approved would weaken the range of shops in the area.

If you want this application refused please send an email to quoting ref. 06/00181/COU (44 Cody Rd) and let the Planners know you are not happy about this application and your reasons.

Thank you residents

It is really good getting to know you all. I would especially like to thank those that do not normally support us that have been so friendly and polite. The email newsletter has been very well recieved, and has given many of you the opportunity of advising me directly and instantly about your views on key issues in our ward. A big thank you to those who have responded to my challenge "You report it - I will sort it". Working together I hope you will see that we really can make a difference in our ward.

Wednesday, 5 April 2006

Politics made simple

I would like to thank a resident for sending this "politics explained" article. If you have a gem you would like to share send it to me.

SOCIALISM: You have 2 cows and you give one to your neighbour.
COMMUNISM: You have 2 cows, the Government takes both and gives you some milk.
FASCISM: You have 2 cows, the Government takes both and sells you some milk.
NAZISM: You have 2 cows. The Government takes both and shoots you.
BUREAUCRACY: You have 2 cows; the Government takes both, shoots one, milks the other and throws the milk away...
TRADITIONAL CAPITALISM: You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull. Your herd multiplies, and the economy grows. You sell them and retire on the income.
AN AMERICAN CORPORATION: You have two cows. You sell one, and force the other to produce the milk of four cows. Later, you hire a consultant to analyse why the cow dropped dead.
A FRENCH CORPORATION: You have two cows. You go on strike because you want three cows.
A JAPANESE CORPORATION: You have two cows. You redesign them so they are one-tenth the size of an ordinary cow and produce twenty times the milk. You then create a clever cow cartoon image called Cowkimon and market them World-Wide. A GERMAN CORPORATION: You have two cows. You reengineer them so they live for 100 years, eat once a month, and milk themselves.
AN ITALIAN CORPORATION: You have two cows, but you don't know where they are. You break for lunch.
A RUSSIAN CORPORATION: You have two cows. You count them and learn you have five cows. You count them again and learn you have 42 cows. You count them again and learn you have 2 cows. You stop counting cows and open another bottle of vodka.
A SWISS CORPORATION: You have 5000 cows, none of which belong to you. You charge others for storing them.
A CHINESE CORPORATION: You have two cows. You have 300 people milking them. You claim full employment, high bovine productivity, and arrest the newsman who reported the numbers.
AN INDIAN CORPORATION: You have two cows. You worship them.
A BRITISH CORPORATION: You have two cows. Both are mad.

House plans next to Pinehurst

Got these plans of the development proposed for the land next to Pinehurst. Access will not be thru Pinehust, but via Farnborough Road. The proposal is for the following:

Refurbishment and conversion of existing buildings known as Q153 and R178 to provide 85 dwellings together with construction of 451 new build dwellings. The total development will provide 536 dwellings comprising of 466 appartments and 70 houses, plus associated access, landscaped amenity space and parking provision.

There will be a public exhibition about this on the 11th April 2006 at the Estate Office, Pinehurst Gate between 3pm to 9pm.

I prefer to see more houses than flats, and am concerned about the distribution of the proposed 30% social housing in the scheme. Please visit the exhibition and tell me what you think.

Cove Green Parking Meters

I am very concerned about this new parking system. I have called for an immediate review, and met with Cllr. Patricia Hodge on location following my visits to many of you to discuss it. We are both concerned that more problems have been created than solved. I will been keeping a close eye on this over the election period, and if and when elected will be having an urgent meeting as your elected representative with Mr Mike Bamber the manager responsible. If you are not happy with the scheme please make sure your views are recorded by emailing I am told not many people are complaining. I know that does not reflect the views of the residents I have spoken to.

Tuesday, 4 April 2006

Victoria Road cemetery railing

This has been in a bad state of repair for far too long. Picture has gone off to Street Scene for action. I will keep you posted. Let me know anywhere else that needs repairing. I want you to know as residents that when you tell me about something, action is going to be taken.
5th April Update: Been advise this will be repaired within 2 weeks

Alley way in Marrowbrook Lane.

I have reported the state of this alley way. The regional manager of B & Q has been contacted about tidying up what could be a very pleasant woodland area. I have to say that I was impressed with Rushmoor Street Scene who cleaned the graffitti from the brickwork the day I reported it! I wish I could take the credit. The truth is that they were already aware of it and were straight on to it. However, I am following up with them regarding getting the owners of the factory units to clean or paint over it on their back doors. Which, bearing in mind the Council has paid to clean their brickwork, just doing the doors is very reasonable. My thanks to a resident in Histock Close for bringing this to my attention. let me know if there are any other areas in the ward that need cleaning up.

Keith Lucas / Gooden Crescent parking

I have spoken to Mr Pettitt in Rushmoor Street Scene and asked what priority there is on getting more bays and improving parking in this area. There is a long list I have been told, and although on the list it may be some time before work is done. If elected I will be banging on the table until this problem is solved. The parking that has been provided is working, we just need to get the job finished. I have warned Mr Pettitt, that if and when elected he will be my first appointment. Work carried out here would make a dramatic difference for residents, so I am determined this gets a priority.

Sunday, 2 April 2006

Asda Trolley Folly

While out and about I am dealing with many issues as we go along. For example, these trolley's abandoned around the ward. I found this one in Pinehurst Avenue, probably abandoned by a shopper parked there to avoid paying a few pence in the Asda Car Park. More were spotted in Firgrove Court. I have reported them all, so they should be removed imminently. If you know where any more are. Let me know.

Saturday, 1 April 2006

Special leaflet acknowledgement

A big thank you to our two "Special Ops" Leafleteers (my nephews Jesse and Joshua) who are the fastest leafleteers in Farnborough.
They are highly trained - very polite, nice to animals, always close gates behind them, and very fast. If you see them please give them a wave.
And if you would like to make their job a little easier by delivering a few in your street. They and I would be very grateful.