Wednesday, 18 July 2007

Alternate week waste collection survey

I have to say I was very disappointed at the survey form sent out by Rushmoor to the residents in the trial area. I was keen to see a very "plain English" transparent, clear survey of how people in the trial area got on with it along with a very clear golden question: Do you want the Borough to adopt alternate week collection - yes or no. I was disappointed - instead we have a very "loaded" weasel worded survey. I hope these residents make sure they complete it however, and not just take the view that the Borough is intent on introducing alternate week collection (AWC) and their views are worthless.
It was also alarming to learn that some residents in the trial area did not receive the survey form at all - and only learned about it via an article in the local press. I would have thought those in the trial area would have been clearly informed about the process of the trial and would have been well aware of the importance of their feedback via the survey. Or am I just expecting too much?
I also learn from an email I have been copied in that there may even be different versions of the survey!! With a resident having an allegedly different survey form from the form copied to Councillors.
Waste collection is the key service provided by the Borough, and we mess with it at our peril. We should be improving cleanliness in the Borough not compromising it.
I want to live, first and formost, in a clean environment.

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