Nationally the Government has been working on a centenary programme with the themes of remembrance, youth and education. 2014 will be a more solemn approach rather than a celebration with street parties which will come into their own in 2018.
Hampshire County have funds to purchase books and special collections relevant to WW1 with authors giving talks and themed costume events to support other military events.
Hampshire County have funds to purchase books and special collections relevant to WW1 with authors giving talks and themed costume events to support other military events.
They have a dedicated website of activities in Hampshire, grants available and
information on the war memorials in the County.
The County are encouraging the schools “Rock Challenge” to theme on the
commemoration of WW1.
They are providing small grants to support war memorial programmes (£2,000).
A countywide
WW1 display will reach Aldershot in October 2014.
Display and promotion of the special collections of WW1 related
books including the Military collection in Aldershot and the Aviation
collection in Farnborough.
Talks and at least one major event each year
in both the Farnborough and Aldershot
Radio is recording audio memoirs of military personnel and civilians,
over the past 100 years which can be used as an educational resource for
schools and museums across the country.
Consort Library is doing author talks and walks linked to WW1.
of Aldershot Military Museum are seeking funding to develop a WW1 theme to
be unveiled on 4 August around Rushmoor Remembers looking at the contributions
made by Aldershot and Farnborough as the Country`s centres for the army and
aviation respectively, along with the impact of the war on local people. The museum
will have a story share WW1 display and the Soldiers Journey exhibition.
The Friends are looking to produce a Rushmoor Roll of Honour for WW1 in book
form. The names will then be included on an appropriate memorial similar to the
WW2 memorial outside Princes Hall.
The annual Military Festival will have a WW1 theme and include events in
schools, a pupil’s art exhibition and a production of “No Mans Land” and “Our
Friends the Enemy” at the Westend Centre. The Farnborough Sixth form are
attempting to get in the Guinness Book of records for the largest human poppy. There
will be an evening of music at the Princes Hall. The main event on Saturday 28 June will
include museum visits, gun run, medical core demonstration, heritage trails,
displays, choir and children’s activities. Sunday 29 June will include a WW1
commemorative park run.
The Friends of Aldershot museum should hear
shortly weather they have been successful with the bid to the Heritage Lottery
Fund to create a heritage trail covering
the AUE and Aldershot. (£80k from Heritage and £50k from partners).
There will be tours of the Military Cemetery and they have secured
Commonwealth War Graves funding for
interpretation panels.
The Heritage Lottery Fund are making grants
available including a “Then and Now”
project (£3k to £10k). For example, the military are looking to have a WW1
replica tank alongside a modern tank at the military festival and perhaps a
mess function with a WW1 theme.
Young Roots grant (11 to 25 year olds) is under subscribed and
is looking for projects that will leave a lasting legacy. Examples could
include “Impact on Sport”, “the Ghurka story”, “Garrison cemetery”, “Story of
Aldershot”, “Cody`s contribution” etc.
Our residents and partners will be made aware
of these funding opportunities.
Nationally there is a project by the Imperial War Museum to create a digital
memorial containing 8 million stories link to people’s lives and family
history. Those signing up to their website can use their official logo when
promoting other activities.
Rushmoor Borough Council
Commemoration of local Victoria Cross recipients of the First World War by laying down
commemorative paving stones in the area in which they were born. These will be
presented to council`s commencing August 2014. The only Borough recipient is
Alfred Maurice Toye born in Aldershot who received his VC on 25 March 1918.
DCLG will pay for the paving stones and their engraving and councils will need
to find a suitable location and maintain them.
has confirmed the following: 2 June “Saving Private Ryan” film, 3 June “The
Longest Day” film, 4 June. “There will always be an England show” and on 12
July the RASC RCT Association Band Concert.
The Council put decorative poppies in its trees in Aldershot
around remembrance which we could repeat for June, August and November next
year (circa £1,500 each event) and there is a nationwide initiative to plant
more poppies in parks.
The Council will promote in Arena the programme that is being
developed both in Hampshire and locally and refer to grant opportunities.
The Council is keen to support local projects
that support the World War 1 commemorations and will consider funding bids to
its small grants fund. Application
forms are available on the Councils website.
Concert in the Bandstand – 2 August Rushmoor Concert Band
Funds from the annual calendar for 2015/16 will be awarded to an appropriate Army
Fund. Discussions to take place with partners on creating a WW1 calendar for
2015/16 involving schools.
and Civic wreath laying to be co-ordinated by Democratic
Services for WW1 and D Day.
Not directly linked to WW1 but this Council
is looking to create a memorial to all fallen
heroes since WW2 to be located in the Municipal Gardens. This will be
developed with local military families / children and have a formal unveiling
For the celebration in 2018 the Council will
work with schools to create a mural
similar to the one we developed on the Aldershot Library commemorating WW1 and
the part played by Rushmoor. This could be located in Aldershot/AUE.
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