Ham & Blackbird

The Council has recently received an application from Inland Homes (some have suggested to me a more accurate name would be Underhand Homes given their vandalistic tree cutting that left trees next to the road perilously dangerous) to build an obscene number of flats (62) with little parking on the site of the Ham & Blackbird. I have no big issue with knocking down an unsuccessful pub / restaurant, but I do object to gross over development by a developer who has proved very early they cannot be trusted: Please see:
They have tried condescendingly to sweeten this poisonous application with a "community" centre and public plazas to try and make it sound so much better than it is, which in my opinion will simply be a future slum with people arguing with each other about where to park and neighbourhood noise. Am I exaggerating for effect? I think not and could take you less than 50 meters to dwellings that have exactly that problem now. I hope this time, unlike the last similar application, my opposition will be supported by the Planning Committee..
Click on the following link to see Inland Homes Proposal:
1 comment:
Bride Hall are vandals too but you seem to have completely missed it....
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