Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Section 106 Contributions for Rushmoor.

Section 106 contributions 
         Very simply - money taken from developers to improve the local area. This is not a fund that gets accumulated. It is a fund to finance agreed projects in the area:

5.1    Information in this section relates to financial contributions secured by way of section 106 planning obligations.

Section 106 contributions received

Oct-Dec 2014

Apr 2014- Mar 2015
Contributions received (Rushmoor and Hampshire)~

Open Space (specific projects set out in agreements)

SANGS a) Hawley Meadows * b) Southwood II c) Rowhill
a) £28,340.00
b) £120,510.00
c) 0
a) £348,877.67
b) £278,980.00
c) 19,759.25.00
SAMM a) Hawley Meadows* b) Southwood II* c) Rowhill*
a) £3,105.00
b) £13,169.00
c) £0
a) £38,567.38.00
b) £30,512.00
c) £2,163.04
Transport (specific projects set out in agreements)*

~This figure also includes monitoring charges, interest and receipts for the Farnborough Airport Community Environmental Fund.

*Contributions relating to the Hawley Meadows SANG. SAMM contributions and Transport are paid to Hampshire County Council.

Twelve new undertakings/legal agreements were signed in the period October-December 2014. A total of 37 were signed in the year.

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